
Unlocking the Potential of Green Hydrogen in the European Market


Power-to-x (PtX) technologies have emerged as a transformative solution in the quest for a sustainable and decarbonised energy landscape. At the forefront of PtX applications is the production of green hydrogen, a key enabler for the European Union’s ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality, driving the ongoing large-scale Hy5 pursuits. We recognise the importance of Power-to-X, highlighting the production of green hydrogen and the eFuels derived from it, and examine its key role in the European market’s transition to a low-carbon energy future.

Production of green hydrogen eFuels:

Green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis and powered by renewable energy sources, is a beacon of environmental sustainability and energy transition. As the European Union strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the integration of green hydrogen into the energy mix plays a critical role. PtX facilitates the conversion of excess renewable energy, particularly from wind and solar sources, into green hydrogen, providing a scalable and efficient solution for the storage and use of renewable energy.

Further processing of the green hydrogen into derivative eFuels such as eMethanol, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and ammonia enables Hy5 to decarbonise, for example, the shipping, chemical and aviation industries.

Market dynamics in Europe:

The European market is experiencing a surge in interest and investment in power-to-x technologies, driven by the region’s commitment to the European Green Deal and Hydrogen Strategy. Policy makers, industry players and investors are joining forces to promote the development and deployment of PtX technologies, with a particular focus on green hydrogen production. National hydrogen strategies, such as Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy and the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, underline the importance of green hydrogen in achieving energy security, economic growth and climate goals.

Integration into existing infrastructure:

The transition of the European market to green hydrogen is closely linked to the integration of PtX technologies into the existing energy infrastructure. Adapting and expanding natural gas pipelines to transport hydrogen, investing in electrolysis facilities and creating a supportive regulatory framework are key elements to facilitate the seamless integration of green hydrogen. The European Commission’s Hydrogen Backbone initiative further emphasises the collaborative approach needed to build a hydrogen infrastructure that spans national borders and ensures the efficient transport and distribution of green hydrogen.

Economic viability and job creation:

The production and use of green hydrogen through power-to-x technologies contributes to economic growth and job creation in the European market. The scaling up of green hydrogen projects fosters innovation, stimulates private sector investment and positions Europe as a global leader in the hydrogen economy. The development of a skilled workforce for the hydrogen value chain, from production to end-use applications, further strengthens the socio-economic impact of green hydrogen in the European context.

In order to scale up eFuel projects and make them more competitive with fossil fuels, abundant quantities of renewable energy, green hydrogen and other compliant feedstocks will be required. For this reason, Hy5 is pioneering and pushing the boundaries of technical and market solutions to achieve its ambitions, including the use of emerging new strategic backbone infrastructure such as the European H2Med pipeline. Overall, this enables Hy5 to make a significant contribution to the energy transition and decarbonisation of hard-to-reduce sectors.


Power to X, i.e. green hydrogen production, is a cornerstone in the European market’s transition to a sustainable and decarbonised energy landscape. As PtX technologies continue to mature and gain prominence, their integration into the European energy system will become imperative to achieve carbon neutrality. With concerted efforts from governments, industry and academia, the European market is poised to harness the potential of power-to-x and pave the way for a greener, more resilient energy future.